Members of our group have an obligation to protect the Mudi and its future by welcoming new owners and facilitating their education about the breed and the Club, by realistically and honestly portraying the qualities, good and bad, of the breed and our dogs, and by adhering to responsible ownership and breeding practices. Membership is not an endorsement of any breeder/owner or of the practices of any breeder/owner, but rather a commitment to bring transparency and accountability to this organization in order to promote and enhance the welfare of the Mudi. Club membership is open to owners of Mudi mixes and potential owners of both Mudi and Mudi mixes.
All participating members agree to:
Act as mentors and provide encouragement to persons with whom they place puppies and to encourage open dialogue for the life of the dog.
Our membership is committed to the improvement and health of the Mudi therefore all information will be available to anyone, including people outside of this club.
To encourage working stock our club will give achievement awards. (to be discussed as separate addendum)
Members of this group will engage in open and honest communication.
All members are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that brings respect to our Club and to our breed.
We will display good sportsmanship, civility, honesty, and responsibility for our dogs at all times.