NAMA Mudi Breed Specialty 8-April-22
Thanks to the NAMA board for making this happen, we had one of the largest turnouts of Mudi and had a great opportunity to show case our dogs.
We had a total of 33 Mudi, with attendees from all of the county from Colorado, Texas, New York, and more! All types of Mudi were represented and good-hearted laughter was had by all, especially during the puppy sweepstakes. Without you guys, this wouldn’t have been possible!
We also coordinated Pool time, Dog Puller Clinic, & Disc Seminar. We enjoyed the group dinners and the overall camaraderie of these events.
We look forward to seeing you all and more at our next event!
Special Thanks
Carolina All Breed Association and Brylin Obedience Specialty School for allowing us to hold our Mudi Specialty and accommodating all of us newbies.
Stephanie Mueller for being our Judge!
To Living Wild Photography, who provided custom sessions, to everyone else who took such wonderful photographs!
Best in Specialty Show & Champion
Graves Farm's Pea Eyed Parker - Denise Graves
Reserve Best in Specialty Show & Best of Winners & Best Female
McPotters Creeks Ambrosia - Chris Echard/Denise Graves
Best Male
Twisted Acres Life is a Highway - Theresa Stilger
Reserve Best Male
Bonum et Malum De Niro - Shaneen Stankowski
Reserve Best Female
Bonum et Malum Chance - Yvette Piantadosi
During the Carolina All Breed Association Show we had some other great group wins!
Group 4 on 8-April
Porgeloci Marcal Remek Beau - Judy Lancaster
Group 1 on 9-April
Wodan’s Sidewinder Special - Winter Kelevra
Group 2 on 9-April & Group 1 on 10-April
CH RATN Graves Farm Where Do We Go - Sandra Hellberg
We have the following images: Mudi Specialty, Caba Show, Dog Puller Clinic, Disc Seminar, and other photos of the week's events.