Mudi Breed Standard (UKC)
If you are new to the Mudi Breed Standard, or just curious about the standard. We have it below; along with the official UKC version, we have an easy-to-read NAMA pdf. This is in more of a bulleted format instead of the formal paragraphs, for easier reading.
The below follows the Official UKC Mudi Breed Standard dated January 2, 2024.

Goals & Purpose
The goals and purposes of this breed standard include: to furnish guidelines for breeders who wish to maintain the quality of their breed and to improve it; to advance this breed to a state of similarity throughout the world; and to act as a guide for judges.
Breeders and judges have the responsibility to avoid any conditions or exaggerations that are detrimental to the health, welfare, essence and soundness of this breed, and must take the responsibility to see that these are not perpetuated.
Any departure from the following should be considered a fault, and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog and on the dog’s ability to perform its traditional work.
Mudi History
The Mudi, in all probability, has existed since the 15th to 18th century, initially in 1773, with Comte de Buffon describing a Mudi-like shepherd dog. Continuing in 1815 with Ferenc Pethe in the History of Nature, in 1902 with Lajos Méhely, and in 1912 with Ottó Herman.
The purposeful breeding of this dog is attributed to Hungarian Dr. Dezső Fényes, who obtained some brilliant-haired, erect-eared, highly intelligent, and docile individuals of an unknown breed. He began to breed them and, in 1936, presented the dogs at the breeding animal fair. He submitted the first standard for the breed, and the committee accepted the description using the dog breed name “Mudi.” The Federation Cynologique Internationale (FCI) officially recognized the breed in 1966.
The Mudi was recognized by the United Kennel Club on July 1, 2006.
Plural: Mudi or Mudis (The word Mudik is only used when speaking or writing in Hungarian).
Pronounced: “Moody”
Phonetic and IPA [moo-dee | mōōdē | mu di]
Mudi General Appearance
A medium-sized Hungarian herding dog, purposely bred for work. Overall, a well-muscled, moderate-boned, and firm-bodied dog with spitz-like qualities. When viewed from above, it has a wedge-shaped head that tapers towards the nose, with prick ears and almond-shaped eyes. In profile, the Mudi has a topline that slopes very slightly downward from the withers to the croup, and its length is slightly longer than its height. The coat is short, straight, and smooth on the face and front of the legs, to a lengthier wavy or curly coat on the body.
Mudi Characteristics
The Mudi has a loose-eyed and upright herding style with intense, powerful, dedicated to duty, and excellent work-all-day endurance.
They are inherently courageous, alert, and may be aloof to strangers, producing an outstanding guard, watch, and alarm dog.
Versatile, playful, and obedient, they enthusiastically participate in multiple dog sports and activities.

Viciousness or extreme shyness.

The above image is not in the UKC standard but a representaion of what is in the standard.
Mudi Head
The foxlike head is proportionate to the body, wedge-shaped when viewed from above. When viewed in profile, the skull and muzzle lines form parallel planes. Skull to Muzzle ratio is 4:3.
Their intelligent, energetic, alert, and playful characteristics combine with the features to portray a genuine “mischievous” expression.
Skull, Forehead, & Stop
Skull: Broad between ears with noticeable tapering to the nose. Forehead slightly arched.
Occiput: Slight but perceptible.
Brows: Barely developed.
Stop: Defined but not abrupt.
Muzzle, Nose, & Lips
Muzzle: Tapered to the nose with a straight bridge.
Nose: Rounded tip, moderately wide nostrils.
Lips: Tight and clean.
Complete dentition meeting in a scissors bite. A level or even bite is undesirable but not faulted.

Missing teeth.

Serious: Undershot, overshot, or wry mouth.
Narrow, almond-shaped, and set slightly oblique. Eyes should be as dark as possible with tight-fitting rims. Merles may also have blue or Heterochromia.

Cross-eyed or walleyed.
High-set, prick, triangular; height is longer than its width at the base. Responsive and alert, the ears move independently, turning, tilting, and lowering.

Hanging, dropped, or weak ears.
Mudi Forequarters
The shoulder and upper arm form a 100° to 110° angle with moderate angulation.
Shoulder: Moderate length, blades are well-fitted and well-laid back at 55° with horizontal.
Upper Arm: Moderate length and firmly joined. Falls vertically from the shoulder.
Forearm: Elbows are well-fitted to the body. Vertical when viewed from the side, parallel when viewed from the front. Carpal joints are strong. Pasterns are strong and slightly sloped.
Mudi Neck, Topline, & Body
Neck: Medium length, slightly arched.
Topline: Straight, slopes very slightly downward.
Withers: Slightly pronounced tapers to the neck.
Back: In action, firm and supple.
Loin: Firmly joined to back and croup.
Croup: Very slightly sloping.
Body: Length from the sternum to rear is slightly longer than height at withers. Withers to elbow is slightly longer than elbow to ground.
Mudi Forechest & Underline
Oval, slightly curved, and moderate in depth.
Sternum: Protrudes slightly ahead of the point of the shoulder.
Chest: Moderate depth.
Ribs: Well-sprung and broad.
Underline: Moderate tuck-up.
Mudi Hindquarters
The upper and lower thigh have moderate angulation in balance with the front.
Upper Thigh: Long and developed.
Hocks & Pasterns: Vertical when viewed from the side and parallel when viewed from the rear.

Cow-hocked or bowleg.
Mudi Feet
Feet: Tight “oval” or spoon-shaped feet great for jumping, speed, and endurance.
Front Dewclaws: Desired.
Rear Dewclaws: Undesirable but not faulted.
Mudi Tail
Any length is correct and follows the natural line of the croup. In action or alert, the tail should arch up and over the topline in a sickle to a full semicircular shape; the tail or coat may touch the topline.
Long and Natural Bobtail (NBT) includes nubs, longer bobs, ½, and ¾ tails.

Tightly curled or screw tail.
Mudi Coat
Shown naturally, the easy-care wash-n-show coat requires no trimming or sculpting.
The coat may form cowlicks or ridges on areas of the body.
The texture may vary from fine to a rougher texture and should not be wiry. The mane should be proportionate to coat length and slightly more pronounced in males.
The correct coat lengths/types comprise:
Face: Short, straight, and smooth.
Front of legs: Short, straight, and smooth.
Ears: Wavy to curly feathering around ears.
Body: 1.5” - 3.5” in length and wavy to curly.
Back of front legs: Moderate feathering.
Back of upper thighs: Moderate feathering.
Tail: Has longer coat with moderate feathering, while shorter NBT tails may have less to none.

Serious: Trimmed or sculpted coat.

Smooth or straight coat laying flat on the body.
Mudi Colors & Patterns
Colors: Black, White, Yellow, Brown, Ash, Ashbrown
Patterns: Solid and Merle. Minimal White Markings of less than 2” on the chest or toes.

Color Patterns: Sable or Tan Points. White Markings of more than 2” on the chest or toes.

Serious Color Patterns: White Markings occurring outside of the chest or toes.

Mudi Pigmentation of the Nose, Lip, & Eye
Nose, Lip, and Eye pigmentation will match and harmonize with coat color. The shade of the pigment may run lighter or darker. Merles have the same pigmentation as their base color.

Nose Leather: Butterfly or pink nose.

Eye Rims: Incomplete pigment or pink rims.
Mudi Height & Weight
Height at Withers
Height: 15 ½” - 19” (40 - 48 cm) Male
Height: 14 ½” - 18” (37 - 46 cm) Female
Weight is determined by using the below Body Condition Score (BCS) conditions of:
Ribs: Easily palpable, minimal fat covering.
Waistline: Easily noted, viewed from above.
Abdomen: Abdominal tuck evident.

Height deviating from the above.
Mudi Gait
They are shown at a trot with quick, lively steps, good foot timing, and a moderate reach and drive.
In action, the stride is strong, agile, and efficient. From the front, the elbows have free action from the shoulder. Coming and going, the legs show no tendency to cross or interfere. They should not display any clumsiness or rigidity in motion.
Mudi - All Faults & Disqualifications listed here.

All Faults are listed here.
Teeth: Missing teeth.
Hindquarters: Cow-hocked or bowleg.
Tail: Tightly curled or screw tail.
Color Patterns: Sable or Tan Points. White Markings of more than 2” on the chest or toes.
Height: Deviation from the height section.
Serious Teeth: Undershot, overshot, wry mouth.
Serious Coat: Trimmed or sculpted coat.
Serious Color Patterns: White Markings occurring outside of the chest or toes.

All Disqualification are listed here.
A dog with a Disqualification must not be considered for placement in a conformation event and must be reported to the UKC.
Unilateral or bilateral cryptorchid.
Characteristics: Viciousness or extreme shyness.
Colors: Albinism.
Eyes: Cross-eyed or walleyed.
Nose Leather: Butterfly or pink nose.
Ears: Hanging, dropped, or weak ears.
Coat: Smooth or straight laying flat on the body.
Eye Rims: Incomplete pigment or pink rims.